Year 7 Scratch Next Half Term!

You should get a little bit excited over this one! Next term we are starting Scratch which is a form of computer programming. There are very few times where we get a chance to create computer games in class but this is exactly what you will be doing for the Summer term!

You can download Scratch for free from this link if you want to try it out now.

Where To Find Your Work!?

I have had a few students now ask me where the work is for their various class.  In year 7 and 8, the menus have changed slightly and I feel that I need to clarify a few things…

The menu appears in this order:

Year 7
Year 7 Winter Term
7C – 7aIt3
7F – 7bIt3
7I – 7cIt3
7L – 7dIt3

“Year 7” will take you to the most up to date work for the year 7 classes that I teach.  “Year 7 Winter Term” will take you to work that we have done from January onwards.  The remainder of the menus are for your individual classes.  However, nothing will be on this page at any stage except for a list of names.  Those who have done their home learning that invovled WordPress will have their names in a different colour and underlined.  This indicates that they are hyperlinks.  These hyperlinks take them to their WordPress page.  I WILL NOT BE USING THESE PAGES FOR ANYTHING ELSE.

This is the same for year 8.  They have a similar menu system and they will be following the same process.

The year 9 link has all the files that will be used for their particular course.  The class names that are in their menu will indicate what work is being done for that particular class.

If you have any other questions please email me.  You need to make an effort to contact me with your issues.

Beautiful Work with Perfect Answers!

Priya Manda in year 7 has just completed the database definition home learning set over the past two weeks.  Not only has Priya delivered a perfect set of PowerPoint slides describing the main features of Microsoft Access but she has also made her own themes for the presentations.  I’m particularly impressed with the second presentation. Year 10 students might find these presentations useful as the beginning of your revision for ECDL.  Feel free to add your comments/questions.

Database Definitions 1
Database Definitions 2

Fantastic Forms!

Two students in year 7 have produced some wonderful work on a recent home learning task.  These students were able to create three forms, one in design view and two using a wizard.  They took this beyond what I expected by not only arranging the objects in the form in an attractive way but also managed to work out how to add images to the form as either a picture or a background picture of the form.  This is something that was not taught and was clearly something they worked out on her own.

  Fantastic Forms!

  More Fantastic Forms!!

Keep up the good work!!!