Problems Learning a New Program?

Sometimes even teachers need to learn new programs!  The new version of Office is a great example of this.  It is vastly different to the old version and there were times here I did not have a clue where to complete a task as simple as spell check (it’s in the Review tab at the top if you weren’t sure!).  This  picture will give you the detailed steps I follow when learning something new on a computer!

Booking Exams/Getting Extra Help

With the end of the year approaching a lot of students are looking for additional help. Whether this is to complete exams or generally catch up on work, students are spending time outside of class completing whatever they need to

To help with this you can view my calendar from the link on the right. It will bring up another page that will show my calendar. To make a booking with me you should email me with a date and time that suits you. I will email you back telling you if I can make it or not. I will also give you the room you can meet me at. This will generally be 116 unless I email you otherwise.

Feel free to just view the calendar, you might find a session which you would like to join.