Year 10 – OCR Catchup

It is getting to that time of year. We have three weeks to go and two units needing completion. I have marked your folders and made suggestions on how to fix your work. Some students have minor cosmetic work to do, others have full tasks that have not been done.

If you come after school twice in the next two weeks I can guarantee that you will pass both units. If you do not it will be incredibly difficult. Ideally I would like to run three sessions a week with eight students in each session. With your GCSE exams completed you have no excuses for not booking in a time. Please see me this lesson to book a time with me. the sessions will go until 4:30pm, earlier of you finish quicker. You should only need an hour so you could be gone by 4pm.

Our priority is unit 1 to begin with. If you have done the work over the last three weeks you will be virtually finished this unit. Pleas don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Do you want to waste all the time spent in this classroom over the last two years?

Cover Work

I’m not in today as I am not feeling very well so I will be setting my four classes work for today via this post. 

Period 1 – 9yIt4

You all should be working on the email task for OCR.  No one has finished this yet and the only person is close would be Sophie.  If you do happen to finish this you should go to your dropbox folders and upload the email task to your shared folder.  The folder is called “Your Name” Home Learning.  So for Sophie it is called “Sophie Wilkins Home Learning”.  You should upload your work there.  While you are there, check this folder for a file called Feedback.  It is a word document that describes what you need to fix up on the work that you have already done.  Please upload any work that you change into your dropbox folder.

If you do not remember your password for dropbox you should click the ‘forgot password’ link and get a new password.  If you click on this link you will be asked to put in the email address that you used sign up to dropbox with.  This is either your personal email or your school email.  Please email me if you do not remember which email address it is.  Please TRY a couple of email addresses before contacting me. 

Period 2 – 7cIt3

This class will be covered by Mr Jennings.  He will take you through some work on Scratch.  If he is unavailable could you please attempt making a maze game.  This link will send you to a tutorial on how to make the game.  The only thing it does not cover is how to change the background.  To do this you double click on the Stage which is down on the bottom right hand corner.  Then click on the costumes tab which is in the middle at the top of the window.  Edit the stage and add further ones if you wish. 

Once you have done this you should look at creating a second level.  You will need to use the “Broadcast” code to do this.  You may wish to use Google to look at how to use this code. 

If you are struggling with this then you may wish to start preparing your own game.  I would like you to obtain your own sprites and backgrounds.  So whether you wish to search for them on Google images or draw then yourself you can start preparing for your own game.

Period 3 – 8a/It3

You will be finishing your assessment with Mr Jennings.  He will discuss with you what needs to be done.

Period 4 – 9B/Co1

The program I would like you to make is a password checker.  In sites such as WordPress and Gmail you must have a password that is a certain number of characters.  You are to write a small program that will check the length of a password and tell the user if the password is adequate length or too long/short.  In this program ensure the user puts in a password of 6-12 characters. 

The code “password.length” will give you the number of characters of a variable called password.  You will need to ensure that your variable, password, is declared as a string before attempting this code.  This presentation will be very useful to you today.  Please work through as much of this as you can.

Caribbean Week

Year 8s for the next two weeks will be working with a Caribbean theme.  They will be creating a brochure and adding images that they edit themselves.  The program they will be using for image editing is called Fireworks.  This video will show you how to create a polaroid style photograph.  If you need more help with the selection tools try this video for the Magic Wand and this video for the Marquee tool.

The brochure should be made in Publisher but you could also create it in Word. 


Mr Murphy’s year 9 class, your home learning for this week is to complete the Email task that we started in class last lesson.  All the files for this task can be found via the year nine link at the top of the page. 

You will be handing in the work next lesson via a program/website called Dropbox. 

Dropbox is online ‘cloud’ storage.  You will be sharing a folder with me next lesson and uploading yoru work to the shared folder.  All work you put into that shared folder will be going to my Dropbox folder also.  I will mark the work, make comments and the file will be updated and sent back to your Dropbox folder. 

To sign up for Dropbox, click this link.  Please install the Dropbox software and sign in once you have done.  The Dropbox program is not essential but it will make you life a lot easier I assure you.

Year 10 – Game On!

Its that time of year where you are seeing the Summer with a massive smile on your face.  However, this is the time where most students will start to stress because they haven’t completed ECDL.  Firstly, lets remember the most important reason why we are doing ECDL.

Its a GCSE Equivalent Qualification.  This is the same as getting a B at GCSE IT.  How many B’s are you getting?  More importantly, how good would it be if you walk into year 11 knowing that before you even take all your other GCSE’s, you already have a B in one subject!

I will be hunting you down if you do not finish this.  I will be calling your parents telling them the importance of this qualification.  I will be seeing you repeatedly until you come to my after school sessions to complete this.

Please see me with the modules that you need to complete.  This does not apply to my year 10 class that have a lesson on Tuesday, period 5.  They have OCR coursework that will need to be completed and I will be seeing you about this also!  Please check the year 10 page for details about the OCR coursework and your dropbox folders for a list of tasks that need fixing up.

If you wish you can get your friends together and do a group session.  I am more than happy to see any student or group of students after school on any day.

There are no excuses, everyone will be finishing their course.