Year 8’s on WordPress

All of my year 8 students over the past few lessons have been making WordPress sites of their own. Place your cursor on the Year 8 link at the top and select a class to view their pages.

I particularly like Dylan Lee‘s site. Even though he has not finished all his Dropbox links but has put a YouTube video up on his own. These pages are already or well on their way to finishing their sites.

Jessica Watson
Ruth Bayley
Alex Downes
Kayleigh Herzog

Please feel free to comment on any of the sites as I know these students would love to hear what you think about their work.

To those year 8 students, I will be marking your pages over the holidays. As always I will be in H21 every lunch time to give you any additional help. When marking your work I will be looking for the following…

All of these tasks are done in the Dashboard. After you have logged into WordPress put your cursor on “My Blog” and choose “Dashboard”

  1. Settings –> Discussion have been changed so that “An administrator must always approve the comment” and “users must be registered and logged in to comment”.
  2. Your profile has been changed via My Account –> Edit My Profile so that the “Name displayed publicly as” is your full name (with a capital letter for your first and last name) and not your username.
  3. Your site name is changed so that your name appears at the top of the page and “Just another website” is not visible with your name. Change this in the Settings –> General.
  4. You have added pages to your site with content. Go to Pages –> Add New.
  5. You have added posts to your site with single images and/or a slideshow/gallery. Go to Posts –> Add New. (Video Here)
  6. You have changed your theme in Appearance –> Themes so it looks unique and different. If you decided to use the default theme then you should change the image header to something unique to you. Appearance –> Header will allow you to do this.
  7. You have linked all your work by using the Dropbox public folder on to an ICT page. Please do not link any home learning or assessment work. (Video Here)
  8. You should also try to add a YouTube video to your site. This is optional but very effective.

I will be marking this by making comments on your WordPress site.

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