25 Million Dropbox Users

The company is announcing that Dropbox now has 25 million users, up from just 4 million a year ago. The numbers are astounding — over 200 million files are saved to Dropbox daily, about a million every five minutes.

via Dropbox app updated as the service hits 25 million users.

Is Dropbox safe?  Is Dropbox useful?  I believe so and so does 25 million other people.  If you are still struggling on how to use Dropbox or even know what it is you need to see me as soon as possible!  Remember, home learning is not handed in until it is in the shared folder you have with me in Dropbox.

Heads can prosecute lying pupils – Yahoo! News UK

Education secretary Michael Gove published the rules as he announced that teachers would be given a range of new powers to enforce discipline – including searching mobile phones for inappropriate material.

via Heads can prosecute lying pupils – Yahoo! News UK.

What do you think about these new rules? Is there a level of privacy that needs to be given to students or do you think that what is written in a pupil’s phone help stop wrong doings within the school? Will you be leaving your phone at home more now? Will your phone ever appear in the classroom from now on? Do you think this law could/should/will be extended to your Facebook accounts?

Please comment and explain your thoughts and/or vote on the Facebook poll here.

Note: This is simply a news story about the Education Secretary’s new rules. There are no new or planned new rules or policies at Collingwood in regards to this story.

Year 8’s on WordPress

All of my year 8 students over the past few lessons have been making WordPress sites of their own. Place your cursor on the Year 8 link at the top and select a class to view their pages.

I particularly like Dylan Lee‘s site. Even though he has not finished all his Dropbox links but has put a YouTube video up on his own. These pages are already or well on their way to finishing their sites.

Jessica Watson
Ruth Bayley
Alex Downes
Kayleigh Herzog

Please feel free to comment on any of the sites as I know these students would love to hear what you think about their work.

To those year 8 students, I will be marking your pages over the holidays. As always I will be in H21 every lunch time to give you any additional help. When marking your work I will be looking for the following…

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