Home Learning Excuses…

Common excuses…

  • My computer is not working
  • I don’t have the right software
  • “I don’t get it”

If your computer at home is not working then you need to come to H21 at lunch time.  Mr Powell opens the room every day and on the majority of days I will be there with him.  With that in mind we come to the most common excuse…

“I don’t get it”.  I commonly get emails stating that you do not understand the home learning.  You have many options here.  Rather than just saying “I don’t get it”, be precise in what you are saying.  Tell me the exact problem.  “I don’t know what you mean by primary key”.  “I don’t know how to freeze the panes”.  I can help you with this!  If you find that you are having too many of these questions then you should get to H21 at lunch time.  I will be able to sort out all your problems within five minutes on most occassions.

If you do not have the right software then you to acquire it.  If you require Microsoft Office which will include Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel, you will need to see Mr Powell at lunch time in H21 to get a letter to take home to your parents.  The school can arrange a copy of the software if you don’t have it already.  Scratch and Photostory can be found for free on the internet.  The only software that is not available to you that we use at school is Dreamweaver and Fireworks.  No home learning will be set that requires these pieces of software.

Hopefully this solves a few problems!

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